INSANE DETAILS In INCEPTION That Make It The Best Christopher Nolan Movie Ever | EASTER EGGS | TENET. In the run up to TENET We break down the best hidden details and things you missed in 2010's Inception starring Leonardo Di Caprio, Ellen Page and Tom Hardy. #Inception #TENET #ChristopherNolan If you enjoyed this video then please subscribe to the channel If You Want To Help Support The Channel So I Can Make More Videos Like This Please Donate Here: Get some awesome Heavy Spoilers show clothes, phonecases and accessories at - /* ----- SOCIAL MEDIA ----- */ Follow Me On Social Media At: /* ----- DISCORD ----- */ Join our Discord Community at - /* ----- VIDEO INFORMATION ----- */ Inception Ending Explained Right let's start at the top. So Inception has an ambiguous ending that at the time left every viewer debating whether our main character Cob had returned to the real world or if he was actually still stuck in a dream. It's something that fans went back and forth over for the past decade but Nolan actually did drop a specific clue into the movie that confirmed Cob made it home to his family. Throughout the film whenever the character is in a dream he can be seen wearing his wedding ring. This is because his wife Mallorie is very much alive whenever he's in his sedated state and thus he doesn't want to quite cast away the memory of her. This is probably a theory that you've seen dotted about on the internet before as it's been about for a while now, however one thing I haven't seen that much centres around Cobs Totem. Throughout the entire movie we are told that the spinning top is actually his Totem and that this is what he uses to assess whether he's in the real world or not. I actually don't believe that this is Cobs Totem at all and I think that the simply tells everyone that it is because he's so paranoid. Cob clearly struggle with grasping reality in the first place and I feel like he's the kind of character that would keep his true totem to himself. We are told in the film that no one should touch anyone else Totem and that doing so can cause issues. The spinning top itself also belonged to Mal so it is unlikely that Cob would take it. The fact we know that the ring indicates what real and what isn't to me tells us that the ring is actually what Cobbs Totem is. If he's wearing it he knows he's in a dream and if he's not he knows he's in reality which is far more trust worthy than the Totem. Cobb spins the top at the end of the movie but upon seeing his family's faces goes to them instead allow it to spin without him seeing the outcome. Doing this pretty much invalidates the spin showing that he simply doesn't care about the outcome because he already knows the truth. The cool little easter eggs don't stop there either and if you take the first letter of all the characters names in the movie and rearrange them they actually spell out the words Dreams Pay. This is because of Dom, Robert, Eames, Arthur, Mal, Saito, Peter, Ariadne and Yusuf. Their names also have specific meanings behind them, Cobb was actually the name of a theif in Nolan's first film The Following. It also means Dream in Sanskrit. On top of this it could be seen as meaning Cobweb which is of course a trap laid out by spider. Ariadne is actually from ancient myth and the name comes from the Minotaur and the Labryinth. This is fitting as she builds mazes. ► Artist Attribution Music By: "KaizanBlu" • Instagram - • SoundCloud - • Facebook - • TikTok - @kaizanblu • YouTube - • DOWNLOAD @ Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) - Full licence here: • Music released by: Chill Out Records @ & Instrumental by Homage